Skjern Bank
−0,32 %
NASDAQ Copenhagen
Skjern Bank is a Danish regional bank dating back to 1906. It offers various financial services to private customers, corporate and institutional customers, as well as public companies in Denmark. The bank is headquartered in Skjern in the western part of Jutland, where it runs 6 branches in Skjern and the surrounding area. Further, the bank has 4 branches in the Greater Copenhagen area. Its focus is on providing a full range of banking and related financial services, including credit cards, pension management, mortgage lending, insurances etc. Skjern Bank is listed on OMX Nasdaq Copenhagen, and part of the OMX Copenhagen Small Cap Index.
Lue lisääAnalyytikko
Indberetningspligtiges transaktioner med Skjern Bank A/S-aktier
Best year in the history of the Bank
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