Statt Torsk ASA (the "Company") refers to the previous stock exchange
announcements in connection with the merger between the Company (as the
transferring company) and Vesterålen Havbruk Statt AS (as the acquiring
company), a wholly owned subsidiary of Vesterålen Havbruk AS, with consideration
to the shareholders of the Company in the form of shares in Vesterålen Havbruk
AS (the "Merger").
The creditor notice period for the Merger expires on 31 January 2024, in
accordance with section 13-17 of the Norwegian Public Limited Liability
Companies Act. The last trading date on Euronext Securities Oslo is expected to
be Thursday 1 February 2024 (the "Effective Date"). The registration of
completion of the Merger in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises and
the de-listing of the Company's shares from Euronext Growth Oslo is expected to
occur after close of trade on the Effective Date. Eligible shareholders in the
Company will receive appr. 0.048168 new share in Vesterålen Havbruk AS for each
share held in the Company, as at the expiry of the Effective Date, as such
shareholders appear in the Company's shareholder register with Euronext
Securities Oslo ("VPS") as at the expiry of 5 February 2024.
The consideration shares will be delivered to the eligible shareholders through
VPS on or about Tuesday 6 February 2024. Fractions of consideration shares will
not be issued. A rounding downwards to the closest number of whole shares will
be made for each shareholder. Excess consideration shares which by reason of the
rounding are not allocated to the specific shareholders will be sold by
Vesterålen Havbruk AS at the risk of the eligible shareholders with a
proportional distribution of the sale proceeds among the shareholders who are
subject to rounding. For tax purposes, such a cash payment is considered a
realization of shares.
Ro Sommernes advokatfirma DA acts as legal advisor to the Company in connection
with the Merger. Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS and Advokatfirmaet Grette AS act
as joint legal advisors to Vesterålen Havbruk AS.
For more information