AB Traction: Interim report January - September
Period July - September
- The result after taxes amounted to MSEK −80 (141), distributed as follows:
- Active holdings, listed, MSEK −116 (105).
- Active holdings, unlisted, MSEK 0 (8).
- Financial investments MSEK 36 (28).
- Earnings per share amounted to SEK −5.40 (9.52).
- The net asset value per share decreased by 3 percent adjusted for dividend paid.
- The return on listed active holdings amounted to approximately −11 percent.
Period January - September
- Profit after taxes amounted to MSEK 261 (286), distributed as follows:
- Active holdings, listed, MSEK 103 (198).
- Active holdings, unlisted, MSEK 1 (−8).
- Financial investments MSEK 162 (102).
- Earnings per share amounted to SEK 17.66 (19.32).
- The return on listed active holdings amounted to approximately 9 percent.
- The net asset value per share amounted to SEK 192 (178) per share.
- The net asset value per share increased by 10 (11) percent adjusted for dividend paid.
Events after the end of the period under review
- The change in value, including dividend income on listed holdings since 30 September, amounts to MSEK -9 as of 15 October 2019.
For additional information, please contact:
Petter Stillström, CEO, Tel: +46 (0)8-506 289 00