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Sanoma: Oppimisliiketoiminnan Euroopan valloitus etenee
Poikkeuksellisista koronavuoden olosuhteista huolimatta Sanoma sai viime vuonna päätökseen neljä suurta yritysjärjestelyä ja teki vahvan tuloksen. Sanoman toimitusjohtaja Susan Duinhoven analyytikko Petri Gostowskin haastattelussa. Haastattelu on englanniksi, mutta tekstitetty suomeksi.
-Videon aiheet-
00:00 In which areas do you consider Sanoma to have succeeded the best? Additionally, where do you consider Sanoma to have room for further improvement?
01:43 The pandemic has accelerated digitalization. What will be the impact of this on Sanoma in the mid to long term?
03:43 Sanoma guided for 1,2 to 1,3 billion revenue and 14-16 % operating margin (excl. PPA) in 2021. What kind of assumptions is the guidance based on and what are the key uncertainties related to it?
05:45 You have said to have a 300-400 MEUR headroom for further acquisitions. Just lately you bought Santillana and expanded to Spain. Do you see that the organization is ready for yet another acquisition in the near future or do you need to take time to integrate previous acquisitions first?