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Herantis Pharma H1'20: Kohti seuraavaa vaihetta (eng)

Herantis Pharma valmistautuu seuraavaan vaiheeseen. Tuore toimitusjohtaja Craig Cook kommentoi Vernerin haastattelussa yhtiön kehitysvaihetta ja mitä seuraava vaihe tarkoittaa sijoittajan kannalta. Haastattelu on englanniksi. Aiheet kellotettuna alla.
Herantis Pharmasta kirjoitetaan Sijoitusfoorumilla
00:00 Intro
00:06 Craig, could you tell about yourself and your background?
01:20 Why did you join Herantis Pharma? 03:30 What are strengths that you bring to Herantis with you?
05:15 Herantis is “preparing for the next stage of company development” with you as the new CEO. What does this next stage mean for investors?
06:15 I noticed you now have an actual investor relations team. What are your thoughts, why you want to invest more in investor relations right now? What does it tell about your company development?
07:00 Herantis raised more cash, almost 7 million, this spring and now you have around 9 million euros in cash. How long can you operate with these financial resources?
07:30 Has COVID-19 had any impact on your operations?
08:12 Could you give us update where we are at with Lymfactin development? When should we anticipate results on phase II study?
09:04 Update on CDNF? When should we anticipate more news about it?
10:05 You just had successful clinical study with Renishaw Neuro Solutions about drug delivery system, could you comment on that?
10:45 xCNDF update?