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Ascelia Pharma - What happened during Q3?
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Meet and ask questions to Deputy CEO Julie Waras Brogren from Ascelia Pharma on 11 November at 2.00 PM.
During the third quarter, Ascelia Pharma successfully completed its capital increase, allowing the company to focus on preparations for submitting the NDA for Orviglance and engaging with potential partners. In the last quarter of the year (Q4), Ascelia will receive the complete data package from the Orviglance SPARKLE Phase 3 study. Additionally, they will participate in the annual Radiological Society of North America conference in Chicago from December 1-5, 2024, where they will present abstracts from the SPARKLE study in an oral presentation.
Ascelia Pharma is a biotech company focused on orphan oncology treatments. The company develops and commercializes novel drugs that address unmet medical needs and have a clear development and market pathway. The company has two drug candidates – Orviglance® (Mangoral) and Oncoral – Orviglance in Phase 3 and Oncoral in clinical development, but for the moment on hold. Ascelia Pharma has its global headquarters in Malmö, Sweden, and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (ticker: ACE)
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Ascelia Pharma for a DigitalIR/Corporate Visibility agreement./Claus Thestrup, 11 October at 09.00 AM.