The Nomination Committee proposes a new Chairman of the Board for Ortivus AB
The Nomination Committee proposes Anna-Carin Strandberg for election as the new Chairman of the Board of Ortivus AB at the Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2024. This decision follows the announcement by the current Chairman of the Board, Anders Paulsson, to the Nomination Committee that he will not be available for re-election.
Anders Paulsson, Ortivus' Chairman of the Board since 2019, has announced that due to personal reasons, he will not be available for re-election at the company's Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2024. Consequently, the company's Nomination Committee has decided to nominate the current board member, Anna-Carin Strandberg, as the new Chairman of the Board for Ortivus.
"Anna-Carin Strandberg was elected to the board during the Annual General Meeting in 2023, and our assessment is that she possesses the competence and experience required to assume the position of Chairman of the Board after Anders Paulsson. We extend our gratitude to Anders for his significant contributions during his tenure at Ortivus," stated Konstantin Papaxanthis, Chairman of the Nomination Committee.