Proposals by the Nomination Committee regarding Board members in RVRC Holding AB
The Nomination Committee for RVRC Holding AB makes the following proposals in respect of the number of Board members and election of Board members for the Annual General Meeting on 21 November 2023.
The Nomination Committee proposes that the number of Board members shall be seven, without any deputies.
The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Board members Sara Diez Jauregui, Cecilie Elde, Andreas Källström Säfweräng and Niclas Nyrensten and new election of Alexander Martensen-Larsen, Birgitta Stymne Göransson and David Thörewik as Board members.
The Nomination Committee proposes that Alexander Martensen-Larsen is elected Chairperson of the Board. After an operational career at inter alia IC Group, he is today an active Board member for By Malene Birger and Tiger of Sweden.
”The Nomination Committee is happy to be able to present three new Board members with highly relevant experience to complement the Board”, says Øistein Widding, Chairperson of the Nomination Committee.
”As Pernilla Nyrensten and Jens Browaldh have declined re-election, we would like to thank them for their contributions to the Board. We would especially like to thank Pernilla, and we cannot express how much she has meant for RevolutionRace as founder, previous CEO and most recently Board member. In addition to the company’s success, Pernilla also wrote Swedish history when she in June 2021 became the first woman CEO and founder to take her company to the main market on the stock exchange. Pernilla and Niclas have built an amazing company that is now stronger than ever, and we wish Pernilla all the best in her future projects”, says Andreas Källström Säfweräng.
The Nomination Committee consists of Øistein Widding (Altor Fund IV (No.1) AB and Altor Fund IV (No.2) AB, Chairperson of the Nomination Committee), Peter Algar (Nyrensten Global Holding AB), Caroline Sjösten (Swedbank Robur Fonder AB) and Andreas Källström Säfweräng (Chairperson of the Board).
Information about all Board members proposed for election to the Board of RVRC Holding AB, the statement by the Nomination Committee and the full proposal by the Nomination Committee is available on the company’s website,
For more information:
Jesper Alm, CFO