Elmera Group recorded an adjusted net revenue of NOK 368m in the third quarter
of 2024, an increase from NOK 350m in the third quarter of 2023. Adjusted EBIT
was NOK 79m, compared to NOK 53m in third quarter 2023.
-I am very satisfied with the strong underlying development this quarter, both
financially and operationally, says CEO, Rolf Barmen.
A combination of growth in core margins across all the electricity retail
segments and strong cost control, led to the improvement in adjusted operating
profit year-over-year.
In the Nordic segment, the group increased the customer base by six thousand
deliveries in the quarter, driven by the increased in-house sales capacity in
the B2C market.
"We experience solid organic growth in the Nordic segment, and we are
well-positioned for further growth going forward", says Barmen.
Please find attached the quarterly report and quarterly presentation.
Results presentation: 7 November 2024 at 08.00 CET
The presentation will be webcasted live at:
For further information, please contact: Morten A. W. Opdal, Head of Group
Accounting, Reporting and IR, +47 970 62 526