Exercise of employee share options in Elmera Group ASA ("the Company").
Employees in the Company have on 8 May 2024 exercised 73 334 options. The
options had an average strike price of NOK 17.00. Each share option corresponds
to one share. The company's liability with respect to the scheme will be met
through existing holdings of treasury shares. As of 8 May 2024, Elmera Group ASA
holds 5 303 689 treasury shares.
The payment has been determined based on a selling price of NOK 32.6182.
2. Options exercised by primary insiders 8 May 2024:
Rolf Barmen has exercised 40 000 options in the Company, corresponding to 40 000
shares at the strike price of NOK 17.00.
Solfrid Aase has exercised 10 000 options in the Company, corresponding to 10
000 shares at the strike price of NOK 17.00.
3. Transfer of rights
8 May 2024, the primary insider mentioned above transferred the rights to
receive shares resulting from the exercise of options to a third party. The
sales amount will be finally determined on the basis of the price subsequently
obtained by the third party when selling the shares in the market. The payment
has been determined based on a selling price of NOK 32.6182.
4. New holding
After exercising options, Rolf Barmen holds 210 000 unexercised options in the
Company, corresponding to 210 000 shares. After completion of the abovementioned
transactions, the primary insider holds 79,052 shares in the Company.
After exercising options, Solfrid Aase holds 120 000 unexercised options in the
Company, corresponding to 120 000 shares. After completion of the abovementioned
transactions, the primary insider holds 11,156 shares in the Company.
For further information, contact:
Morten A. W. Opdal, Head of Controlling and Investor Relations, +47 970 62 526