Reference is made to the stock announcement made by BW LPG Limited ("BW LPG") on
22 November 2024 regarding the issuance of 1,350,000 new BW LPG shares to Avance
Gas Holding as part-consideration for the vessel BW Passat, increasing the total
number of issued shares of BW LPG to 146,150,000. As a consequence of the share
issuance, BW Group Limited's holding of 48,407,126 shares in BW LPG decreased
from 33.43% to 33.12% of the votes and shares in BW LPG. The percentage
shareholding of BW Group Limited in BW LPG has been further decreased as a
result of the subsequent share issuances by BW LPG to Avance Gas Holding as
part-consideration for other vessels and currently amounts to approx. 31.07% of
the shares and votes.
BW Group Limited is controlled by the Sohmen Family foundation.
This information is announced pursuant to Section 4-2 of the Norwegian
Securities Trading Act.