Xplora Technologies
Xplora Technologies AS is a Norwegian based company that develops and sells smartwatches designed to safely onboard children to the digital world. Xplora Technologies was listed on the Euronext Growth Oslo market in Nov 2020. Xplora Technologies gives parents the confidence to allow their children to play freely outside by providing connectivity and additional safety solutions whilst simultaneously incentivising physical activity and engagement with ESG initiatives through its digital Goplay platform. Together with producing and selling hardware Xplora Technologies generates recurring revenues from value-adding services and connectivity referred to as the Xplora Service Platform. Xplora also extends third-party licenses of the service platform to other smart devices producers, further extending upselling capabilities.
Läs meraISP beslutar att avsluta sin granskning av Xplora Technologies AS offentliga uppköpserbjudande till aktieägarna i DORO varmed alla regulatoriska krav avseende ISP är uppfyllda.
XPLRA: ISP has decided to conclude its review of Xplora Technologies AS' public offer to the shareholders of DORO AB, thereby all regulatory requirements relating to ISP are fulfilled.
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