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Gabriel Holding
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Gabriel Holding är verksamt inom textilbranschen. Bolaget utvecklar, konstruerar och säljer möbeltyger och tillhörande tjänster. En stor del av verksamheten består av tjänster inom design och konstruktion och utöver levereras affärssystem och konsulttjänster inom produktutveckling. Idag innehas verksamhet globalt med störst koncentration inom den europeiska marknaden. Huvudkontoret ligger i Aalborg.
Läs meraBörsvärde
274,05 mn DKK
Omsatt (värde)
1,02 tn DKK
P/E (just.) (25e)
EV/EBIT (adj.) (25e)
P/B (25e)
EV/S (25e)
Direktavkastnings- % (25e)
Omsättning & EBIT-%
Omsättning md
Vinst per aktie & Utdelning
EPS (adj.)
Finansiell kalender
Delårsrapport Q2'25
Delårsrapport Q3'25
Bokslutskommuniké '25
Business risk
Valuation risk

Gabriel Holding Q1'24-25: Q1’24-25 steady but carve-out uncertainty remains

Gabriel Holding Q1’24-25 preview: Carve out uncertainty raises near-term risk
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Minutes of the annual general meeting on 29 January 2025

Gabriel FY'2023/24 video – Waiting for the carve-out to unlock value

Gabriel Holding FY'2023/24: Waiting for the carve-out to unlock value
Notice of annual general meeting of Gabriel Holding A/S
Irregularities in the Group’s Mexican FurnMaster company influence the 2023/24 financial year negatively and lead to corrections of previous years’ figures. Revenue for the year is DKK 912 million and the operating profit (EBIT) is DKK 10.9
Election of employee representative for the board of directors in Gabriel Holding A/S

Gabriel: FY’23/24 results delayed due to short-term uncertainties from accounts in Mexican unit
Financial reporting and general meeting for 2023/24 are postponed. Expectations for the continuing operations in the 2024/25 financial year are published.
Gabriel Holding's Chairman of the Board, Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen, does not seek re-election
Gabriel Holding A/S delivers rising revenue and operating profit (EBIT) in the third quarter of the 2023/24 financial year and maintains the upwardly adjusted expectations.

Gabriel Holding: Q3'23/24 earnings preview: Expecting seasonal softness but improving momentum

Gabriel Holding: Carve out of FurnMaster units and new growth strategy
Gabriel launches a new growth strategy to intensify development of the Gabriel Fabrics and SampleMaster business units. Carve-out of the Group’s FurnMaster units starts at the same time.

Gabriel Holding (Extensive research report video): Improving indicators suggest a return to growth