IMDi - The Directorate of Integration and Diversity - has today announced that
Itera, as one of two suppliers, has been awarded a framework agreement for the
procurement of consultancy services for the assessments, development, and
maintenance of IMDi's digital services. Itera's offer has been evaluated as the
best overall.
IMDi has outlined a procurement need of up to NOK 300 million over a 2+1+1 year
period. Based on current plans, the consumption under the framework agreement is
expected to amount to NOK 150-250 million.
IMDi intends to sign an agreement with the selected suppliers immediately after
the expiration of the standstill period, which is set for 29.08.2022.
Itera has been an existing supplier to IMDi for a 2-year period, and the
engagement is an important part of Itera's corporate social responsibility in
light of the influx of refugees from Ukraine and other countries. Therefore, the
company is very pleased with a new framework agreement that is expected to be
even larger in scope than the existing agreement.