Repurchases of shares by Concentric AB during week 11, 2024
Between 11 March 2024 and 15 March 2024 Concentric AB (LEI code 5493002G9GMTKIP3PW19) ("Concentric") has repurchased in total 21,812 own shares (ISIN: SE0003950864) as part of the repurchase program initiated by the Board.
The repurchases form part of the repurchase program of a maximum of 3,519,172 own shares for a total maximum amount of SEK 150,000,000 that Concentric announced on 26 July 2023. The repurchase program, which runs between 31 July 2023 and 31 March 2024, is being carried out in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052.
Concentric shares have been repurchased as follows:
Date: Aggregated daily Weighted average Total daily
volume (number of share price per day transaction value
shares): (SEK): (SEK):
11 March 3,714 175.8988 653,288.14
12 March 5,500 177.1899 974,544.45
13 March 3,256 177.4260 577,699.06
14 March 4,457 175.4528 781,993.13
15 March 4,885 174.2922 851,417.40
Total 21,812 176.0014 3,838,942.18
Total 233,802 172.3468 40,295,033.14
during the
All acquisitions have been carried out on Nasdaq Stockholm by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB on behalf of Concentric. Following the above acquisitions, Concentric's holding of own shares amounts to 1,148,253 shares as of 15 March 2024. The total number of shares in Concentric, including the own shares, is 38,297,600 and the number of outstanding shares, excluding the own shares, is 37,149,347.
A full breakdown of the transactions is attached to this announcement.
For further information, please contact Marcus Whitehouse, Tel: +44 121 445 6545 or E-mail:
This information is information that Concentric AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 08:00 CET on 19th March 2024.