Inteas’s Nomination Committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting
In accordance with the resolution passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting on November 11, 2024, in Intea Fastigheter (publ), the Nomination Committee for the 2025 Annual General Meeting has been appointed.
According to the Nomination Committee’s instructions, the committee shall consist of members appointed by the four largest shareholders by voting power as of the last banking day in December 2024, based on the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden, as well as the Chairman of the Board. If any of the shareholders chooses not to appoint a member, the next largest shareholder by voting power will be asked instead.
The Nomination Committee has been constituted in accordance with these principles and has the following composition ahead of the 2025 Annual General Meeting:
- Carl-Johan Ehn, appointed by Henrik Lindekrantz
- Jonas Granholm, appointed by Christian Haglund
- Olof Lindstrand, appointed by Handelsbanken Pensionsstiftelse
- Andreas Hedemyr, appointed by SAAB Pensionsstiftelse
- Ceasar Åfors, Chairman of the Board, Intea Fastigheter AB (publ)
The Nomination Committee collectively represents 41.6 percent of the total numbers of votes in Intea. Carl-Johan Ehn, who represents the largest shareholder by voting power, is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
The Nomination Committee’s task is to submit proposals to the 2025 Annual General Meeting regarding the Chair of the Meeting, the number of Board members, Board members and Chairman of the Board, auditors and renumeration for the Board members and auditors. The Nomination Committee shall also, if necessary, propose amendments to the instructions for the Nominations Committee.
No compensation is paid to the members of the Nominations Committee; however, the company reimburses reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
The company’s shareholders are welcome to submit proposals and opinions to the Nomination Committee no later than March 3, 2025, addressed to Intea Fastigheter AB (publ), Attn Nomination Committee, Lästmakargatan 20, 111 44 Stockholm, or via email to
The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be published in the notice convening the 2025 Annual general Meeting and on the company’s website. The Annual General Meeting of Intea Fastigheter AB (publ) will be held in Stockholm on May 5, 2025.
For further information, please contact:
Ceasar Åfors, Chairman of the Board, 0706624848