DUROC: Duroc invests in increased capacity
June 30, 2021
The board of Duroc AB has decided to invest approximately SEK 30 million to upgrade and expand the capacity of the French unit of the Cotting Group. The investment is part of the group's strategic plan to increase competitiveness and future financial results.
The Cotting Group develops and manufactures coated textiles, and the end users are, among others, found within the segments fashion, furniture, medical and the automotive industry.
For further information
John Häger, CEO Duroc, 0702 48 72 99
Duroc AB (publ)Box 5277, SE-102 46 Stockholm, Sweden Street address:
Linnégatan 18
Corporate ID number: 556446-4286
Duroc acquires and develops industrial and trading companies. With deep
knowledge of technology and markets, the Group's companies aim for leading
positions in their respective industries. Duroc is listed on NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm (symbol: DURC). www.duroc.se