Notice is hereby served that the extraordinary general meeting of Arctic Fish
Holding AS (the "Company") will be held on the 2nd of November 2023 at 16:00
hours (CET). The sole item on the agenda is a proposition for a change in the
board of directors.
The proposition is to replace Mr. Svein Sivertsen the Chairman of the Board with
Mr. Oyvind Oaaland. And elect a new board member Mr. Gunnar Atli Gunnarsson.
Further information about Mr. Oaaland and Mr. Gunnarsson are found here below:
Øyvind Oaland (1970) is proposed as Chairman of the board. Mr. Oaland is a
Norwegian citizen and holds a degree as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from
the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. Mr Oaland holds the position of COO
for Farming Norway in Mowi and is a board member of Arctic Fish Holding. He has
experience in a wide range of positions in Mowi ASA since 2000.
Gunnar Atli Gunnarsson (1988) is proposed as a board member. University of
California, Berkeley, 2021, LL.M, University of Iceland, 2015, Cand. Jur. Law
Degree. Mr. Gunnarsson is working as an attorney at Landslog.
The notice of the extraordinary general meeting is attached, and all relevant
documents and information can be found at or attached
to this notice.
For further information, please contact:
CFO Neil Shiran Thorisson, +354 8315300