Inderes Group - October sales in line with our estimate - SEB
Inderes reported October sales in line with our estimate in rounded numbers. The growth was 6%, which is slightly below our estimate. Given that the month is driven by recurring business we estimate that the current organic growth rate of recurring revenue is close to 5%, which can be considered a decent performance in a tough market environment. No need for material estimate changes.
October sales grow 6% to EUR 1.6m vs. SEB est. EUR 1.6m
Inderes’ October sales came in at EUR 1.6m, hitting our estimate of EUR 1.6m. The reported y/y growth was 6% while we had input 10%. According to the company the growth was driven by IR software and event business. Inderes also flags that timing of interim event productions had a favorable impact in October, which we read as a small negative indication for November. However, we do not see reason to change our growth estimate for November (+5% y/y) as we think that CMD activity is about to be strong in November.
Sisäänkirjautuminen vaadittu
Tämä sisältö on näkyvissä vain sisäänkirjautuneille käyttäjille
Inderes yhdistää sijoittajat ja pörssiyhtiöt. Yhtiö tuottaa syväluotaavaa osaketutkimusta ja sijoittajaviestinnän ratkaisuja yli 400 pörssiyhtiölle, jotka haluavat palvella sijoittajia paremmin. Inderes on listattu Nasdaq First North -markkinapaikalle ja se toimii Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Tanskassa ja Norjassa.
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